Monday, October 31, 2011

HILARIOUS Taylor Mali Videos

For my blog this week, I'd like to share two videos with you. Some of you may have seen one or both of these already, but even so, they're worth another view. Actually, although they are youtube videos, you don't really need to actually watch, just listen. So you can just turn up the sound and walk away. They are both hilarious (especially the second one)!
"What Teachers Make" by Taylor Mali
-Mali reminds us why good teachers do what they do, making some excellent and moving points while at the same time, generating laughter.
"The The Impotence of Proofreading" by Taylor Mali
-Though I'm a firm believer in content over mechanics, you can't ignore the importance of proofreading.

1 comment:

Randi Moulton said...

I love both of these. :) Thanks for posting! I can watch them over and over. And when I have an off day, and then watch the "What Teachers Make" video, it reminds me why the time and effort and even the "bad" days are all worth it!