Sunday, September 25, 2011

To Write It or Not to Write It: The Emotional Pain of Writing

In Christina's most recent blog she wrote a sentence or two about how during the writing process we are sometimes forced to remember certain experiences. That inspired my blog for this week. During the writing of my essay for this class, the essay has ended up going to a place that I'm not sure I want to go again, and a place I didn't expect. It's actually something I've already written about before. Without going into too many details, the essay started to go into a relationship I had which lasted through most of three years during high school. It was a horrible relationship, in which I was very emotionally abused. And only just recently, I've come to realize that I don't have any bad feelings toward this particular ex-boyfriend. My essay is definitely going in the direction of exploring that relationship again, however, and I just don't know if I can do that. As soon as it started to go there, I just stopped writing. And I haven't come back to it this week. I'm afraid to.
So my decision tonight, as I sit down to write yet another I even write another draft or just scrap this essay and start a new one? Or do I keep going and relive painful memories, yet again?
What do you do when your writing travels into territory you aren't sure or maybe you definitely know you don't want to cover? Do you keep going? Do you start writing something else entirely instead?

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